Tag Archives: Thanksgiving



I hope everyone had a nice holiday and if you ventured out on Black Friday, that you didn’t get trampled to death. I went to a couple of places- un-mall like.  Found some wonderful holiday spirit and some not so wonderful spirit as well. The woman that checked me out at Barnes and Noble was quite nice.  The one that checked out my mother was a royal witch. Considered reporting her to the manager, but decided against it due to the effort it would take. When we left the store, it was pouring rain. An unknown man offered to escort us to the car with his big umbrella. Big grin for him!

Then, of course, the parking lot people. Geez- the battle for spaces can be intense! People stealing spaces, making faces, flipping off other folks and other various gestures.  I noticed the mall parking lot as we cruised by was insanely packed. They were parked on the grass, the curbs, etc. It was crazy. 

My son is home from college for the weekend and it’s been fun hanging with him.  Luckily, he gets out of classes pretty soon and will be home in less than 3 weeks again.  

Enjoy the rest of the holiday weekend!

“Ghost Night”


Started Ghost Night by Heather Graham on Sunday.  So far so good. I do like the way she writes. Very captivating. This is another of the Bone Island Trilogy. I have read them in the wrong order and that’s ok, too.  I know what happens to Bartholomew but I’m cool with that. LOL!

I won’t read any tonight or probably the rest of the week- inspiration has struck on the current WIP and I gotta type, type, type. I’m only posting here since I realized I’d had this blog on ignore the last fews days- since the short story writing fest on Saturday, the 25th. 

Have not heard from the two publishers that I have shorts out on submission. I think they’re both cute stories. One has a deadline of the 30th  of Sept. and the other of Oct 1.  I am hopeful for yeses on both.  One is a Thanksgiving mystery and the other is a ghost story.  Tis the season.

Another Short Story Done and Submitted


So, I subscribe to http://www.duotrope.com/  It’s a great site.  They have a lot of information about different magazines and literary publishers as well as calls for anthologies. You can even keep up with your submissions there and they calculate how many days your submission is out. They keep great statistics.  Every week, they send a reminder email of new markets, closed markets, reopened markets, and deadlines.  And if you report an acceptance, your name goes in that email with a congratulations.

This week, I noticed a call for Thanksgiving stories. First time I’ve seen this particular call. It was for a humorous mystery. Since I like to write light and love humor in my short stories, I thought it over on Saturday night. On Sunday morning, I woke up with the first line in my head.  Didn’t find the time to write it til today- labor day- I hope it is as funny as I think it is.  I finished it, edited it and submitted it all in one day.  I  usually mull it over more than that, but what the heck, gotta live life on the edge once in a while, right?

Won’t hear til after September 30 as that’s the deadline. Will keep ya posted when I know a yea or nay. Here is a pic of my Thanksgiving theme:

NaNo upload for winners


Uploaded last night before  Leaving today for Boca Raton to spend Thanksgiving with no. 1 son.  Today, when I logged on, my counter had turned to purple and it says “winner”    How cool.  first year to participate and I DID it.  Was there ever any doubt?  I’m an overachiever and proud of it.  LOL!  

    I’m here in Boca waiting for him to get out of class.  It is a dreary rainy day but who cares?  Traffic wasn’t as bad as I thought it’d be, I get to see my kid and I won NaNo.   Its all good.   Happy Thanksgiving to all!