Monthly Archives: November 2011

Self Published Contest



My local RWA Chapter is sponsoring a contest for self-published romance shorts stories, novellas and novels – they must have been published between January 1, 2011 and December 31, 2011-  Entries are limited and are open now. If  the entries keep coming in as fast as they have for the last two days, we’ll soon be at the max, so if you have a self-pubbed romance story. hop on over to our website and enter that puppy!  Cool prizes that include an ad for the winning books.  Check it out:

Super Excited


I’m super excited to be flying to New York on Friday to see Alan Rickman in a play called Seminar on Saturday. He’s absolutely my favorite living actor and I’ve got 4th row tickets. I’m terrified that I’ll hyperventilate and pass out when he steps out onto the boards. Of course, if I die of a heart attack, I’ll go happy, right?

I’ll be sure to blog about the experience if I survive.  They may haul me out in one of these like he has on: