Monthly Archives: August 2012

Crazy Day


Today, Tropical storm Isaac is supposed to make land fall. We are home since we don’t want to be caught out in it even though we are only getting the outer part of the storm. It’s crazy though because it’s not your typical tropical storm. We are having the dark, rainy, windy bands of bad weather but then, miraculously, we are then having nice, beautiful blue skies and sun as well. It seems to be a bi-polar storm. Let’s hope the bad bands stay few and far between.

Here’s hoping all my friends to the west of me stay safe and keep their power!!

Long Time No Post!!


Sorry I’ve beem MIA. I’ve had a lot going on with my mother being ill and in and out of the hospital. I’ve also had to travel quite a bit recently and have been working diligently at the day job and the evenings writing. I also had edits on a pretty long novel that my alter-ego has coming out on September 9, 2012.

I’m over here today to announce that I got an acceptance for a Halloween story to be published by Whortleberry Press in September. This will be my fourth year in their Halloween anthology and I’m super excited to be back. I absolutely adore the fall season and all the holidays therein.

This story I wrote was so fun. I woke up on a Saturday morning with the first paragraph in my head, fully formed. I jumped up and grabbed my iPad to jot it down. The next paragraph came right away and every time I thought I’d stop working on it, more came. I didn’t get up for two hours and it was done. I was still in my robe and was shocked when I looked up to see it was two hours later.

I edited it that night and sent it in. It’s a really cute little story if I do say so myself. It’s in first person but you know, it really called out for that perspective.

The name will be changed from what I had but that’s cool. I’m awful at titles so I’m always open to changing them. LOL! Of course, I’ll post when it’s available for purchase.