Monthly Archives: May 2011

My Favorite Cookie


Peanut butter cookies

This is the easiest question EVAH! LOL! I adore peanut butter cookies. There’s nothing to compare with them. From the time I was a kid in elementary school, I looked forward to peanut butter cookie day. They’re not only tasty, these days they evoke memories of a time when my bicycle and my best friend were the most pressing matters I had to deal with. Oh, for the days of youth! Why are children always in a hurry to be adults? If we only knew that the days of peanut butter cookies in a school cafeteria were so fleeting, would we treasure them more than we did?

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On Acquired Tastes


Even Sam I Am Couldn’t Convince Me

Hot Dogs_02

I have never been a fan of hot dogs. I cannot abide them. I won’t eat them. If Sam I Am offered them to me in a plane, a train or a dirigible, I would not eat them. Ugh, Ick, Gross, Nasty, Bleah, and any and all other synonyms, ad infinitum!

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Nope, I Still Haven’t Seen It


The Forrest Gump bench at Paramount Studios

I must be the only person on Earth not to see Forrest Gump. I plan to go to my grave with that status. When it came out, I got sick of hearing all the catch phrases and it totally made me hate the movie. Too much hype, too many quotes. I DID see the Benjamin Button movie (very reluctantly, I may add). I heard this story was very similar to Forrest Gump which just strengthened my resolve not to see it. 

It’s probably sacrilege for me to say the above. Please don’t hate me! LOL!

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When Paying Top Dollar Pays Off


North American Airlines

What I believe is worth paying top dollar for is an aisle seat or first class tickets on an airplane. I’m claustrophobic and have been known to have a panic attack in a window seat. I know claustrophobia is irrational and nothing is going to happen to me if I’m seated by the window or have someone on each side of me, but what the head knows is not always what the emotions can control. It also seems that the condition has gotten worse as I’ve gotten older. So, yeah, I’ll pay extra for premium seats. But I hate to pay to fly my clothes!

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Summer Travel Plans



I’m taking the younger son to Italy. My older son went to Europe with a group of students between his junior and senior year of high school. When I suggested that to the younger one, he said he wanted me to take him as he didn’t want to travel with a bunch of nerds. So, I guess I’m cooler than a nerd. Although, that might not be saying much.

The spouse and the older son are hiking the Appalachian mountains the month before I head to Italy. Ugh. My idea of roughing it is to stay at a Motel Six instead of a Hilton. Who are these people?

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Coffee vs. Tea


Ice tea

I love tea. I drink it all day. Cold or hot. It’s perfect. It keeps me warm on a cold day and most important in Florida’s humidity, it keeps me cool on a hot, humid day- which most of them are. And as you should know, it’s not the heat that’ll get you, it’s the humidity. The only coffee I drink is iced coffee or frappachino!

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Look of Disappointment


I was in Delray, Florida on Friday and wanted to go to Murder on the Beach, a mystery book store. We got there a bit after ten and the store was dark. The spouse went and looked on the door and came back to say there were no hours posted. We sat in the car for a while and I decided to head over and look in the window. I’ve written a cozy mystery called Mystery on the Coast and I wanted to peek in the window of the store even if it was closed.  As I looked in, I saw a sign that they opened at ten (spouse must be blind) but they were still not open. So, we left and walked down the street to a few other stores. #1 son took this picture of me when I was looking in the window and he called it “The Look of Disappointment” 

They did eventually open and I bought four books. So, not so disappointed after all.



I had the privilege of reading an ARC of The Wolf’s Torment for my friend, the author, Stephanie Burkhart.  This book has a wonderful love story between Mihai and his bride to be.  This book also has a lot of tragic circumstances in it. I laughed and cried as I read this story. Mihai is a prince as well as a witch. He returns home from abroad to wed. With him is his friend, Viktor. Viktor is a very appealing character and is immediately attracted to Mihai’s sister. 

The story progresses along and tragedy strikes Viktor. Over and over. He fights against the awful things that happen to him but he’s ultimately changed by his circumstances. My heart hurt for this character that I was so attracted to. The author does an excellent job of making the reader really care about this man. And then she masterfully makes the reader feel the angst of the character and I was surprised at how very much I wanted things to be different for Viktor.

Once I finished the story, I couldn’t get it out of my head. The title of the book is quite appropriate. Torment is the word to describe what the poor man goes through. Mihai’s bride has her share of torment as well.  I’m looking forward to reading the next book in this series but I’m very afraid of what the future has in store for Mihai, his wife and family.

Stephanie Burkhart knows what she’s doing in writing dark scenes. I admire her skill in making the reader feel so strongly about her characters. I also wonder how she could stand to write some of the scenes that were so painful.

I recommend this book highly.  Here’s some pictures: The cover and Viktor:  I’ve also included where to buy this awesome story!