Tag Archives: Whortleberry Press

Long Time No Post!!


Sorry I’ve beem MIA. I’ve had a lot going on with my mother being ill and in and out of the hospital. I’ve also had to travel quite a bit recently and have been working diligently at the day job and the evenings writing. I also had edits on a pretty long novel that my alter-ego has coming out on September 9, 2012.

I’m over here today to announce that I got an acceptance for a Halloween story to be published by Whortleberry Press in September. This will be my fourth year in their Halloween anthology and I’m super excited to be back. I absolutely adore the fall season and all the holidays therein.

This story I wrote was so fun. I woke up on a Saturday morning with the first paragraph in my head, fully formed. I jumped up and grabbed my iPad to jot it down. The next paragraph came right away and every time I thought I’d stop working on it, more came. I didn’t get up for two hours and it was done. I was still in my robe and was shocked when I looked up to see it was two hours later.

I edited it that night and sent it in. It’s a really cute little story if I do say so myself. It’s in first person but you know, it really called out for that perspective.

The name will be changed from what I had but that’s cool. I’m awful at titles so I’m always open to changing them. LOL! Of course, I’ll post when it’s available for purchase.

Another Anthology Recommendation


Whortleberry Press has released its Valentine’s Day Anthology last week. The stories are all Sci-Fi, fantasy or horror. I have a story in it called My Celluloid Valentine and it’s a paranormal fantasy (or is it?). You’ll have to read it to find out if it’s a fantasy or the truth. It was one that came to me whole and practically wrote itself. I love it when that happens.

October 30, 2011- Two Year Anniversary


I started this blog way back on October 30, 2009. So much has changed since then. I was newly published in my very first anthology- appropriately a Halloween one- the story was called “The Arm” and was published by Whortleberry Press.  Since then, I’ve had three novels published under my romance pseudonym. I have three more romance novels under contract. I’ve also had 8 short stories published with two more coming out in time for Valentine’s Day.  I’m pleased with all I’ve accomplished in a short time and at how much  my writing skills have grown.  I have two other romance novels out on submission as well as a mystery novel. Here’s hoping for some good news on those. Although it may be that I’d stress myself out if they’re all accepted- lots of edits would be coming my way.

Here’s a fun picture of my nephew to celebrate Halloween Weekend and my blog anniversary:


Christmas Angels Anthology


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Is out and available for purchase:  http://www.lulu.com/product/paperback/christmas-angels/17972287

My story is called Christmas in Venice and is set in the here and now but has a time travel element. It’s a tribute to a beautiful city and the tour guide who escorted us through it.


New Christmas Anthology Coming Soon


Whortleberry Press is at it again. Their Christmas 2011 anthology will be out soon and they have outdone themselves this time on the cover. I think it’s absolutely gorgeous and is going to really appeal to a lot of folks.  My story in this one is called Christmas in Venice.  The theme was Christmas Angels and my angels are a little unusual. This press always has themes of stories with scifi, fantasy or horror elements.  Mine is along the fantasy lines this time although there is a scifi element as well.

I can’t write dark so I don’t really do horror. There may horrific things that happen to my characters but they always keep their sense of humor intact. My main character in this story has a tough experience but she bucks up and gets on with things. I like characters who don’t give up. Probably because I’m such a non-quitter in my own life. Sometimes I stick to things way past time to forget it and move on. Write what you know? Right! 

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Now Available – Music Hall, Music Hell


The anthology I’m in with my story called Music Hall, Music Hell is now available.  I’m excited about it – I really do love my story – it was fun to write and came together very fast. It’a tour of the music halls and bars in hell with a personal escort, Mephistopheles himself. I hope if you check it out, that you’ll let me know what you think.

For ordering info: http://whortleberrypress.com/

Another Short Story Anthology


Last week, I heard that my story, Christmas in Venice, will be published by Whortleberry Press. I love this press and the editor in chief,  Jean Goldstrom, is a joy to work with. I’m thrilled to be in this next publication with the other great writers over there.

The theme of the anthology is Christmas Angels and the stories are all either sci-fi, horror or fantasy. Mine occurs in Venice, Italy and has a bit of a time travel element. It was a tough one to write. I tinkered and tinkered with it and finally got it to a semblance of something I could be proud of, but for a while, it was kicking my butt.  I hope the folks that read it end up liking it.

I’m not sure when it comes out, but I’ll post the cover as soon as it’s ready.


Hall-o-ween Hell-o-ween


Got an email today with the cover of Hall-o-ween, Hell-o-ween Anthology to be published by Whortleberry Press. It’s an anthology with tours of the underworld. It will be available in September.  This will be my third Halloween story with them. This editor was the first one to say yes to one of my stories. This press will always have a special place in my heart for that.  Anyway, here’s the cover. See my cute little name right at the top on the back? NICE!

My story is called Music Hall, Music Hell and it’s a tour of the musice clubs in Hell, including San Remo Emo,  The Polka Pub, and Sam Fram’s Disco, to name a few.  It was a fun one to write.