Monthly Archives: October 2009



My favorite holiday is Halloween.  It is a time to have fun and let loose.  I love all the decorations and apple cider.  I lived in Virginia as a child and loved, loved the change in weather and the smell of autumn.  It is a distinctive smell, one I’ll never forget.  I miss the change in the air and the coolness.  

I hear it is SUPPOSED to cool off here overnight.  I hope so.  Florida is so not the place for a lover of fall!  But, here I am and here I’ll stay.  Enjoy the friendly kitty-  or is it a familiar? friendly_fairy_vintage_halloween_print-p228416560647255940836v_325

Hello world!


I’ve decided to start my own blog to go along with the Southern Sizzle Blog.   This way I can yammer on anytime I want to without hogging the blog that I share with my mates on the way to being published in the romance genre.   I have had such fun with them that I decided to play more.   I plan to upload some of my short stories here for amusement.   Here is a photo of one of my favorite actors that serves as inspiration for some of my writing.  He is such a versatile actor that he can serve as the hero of many of my tales and never seem like the same man.    alan