Monthly Archives: May 2013

Word Wednesday


This week’s word comes to you directly from the new book I started writing last week. I’ve always loved it and I finally have a character it fits.

FLIBBERTIGIBBET means a frivolous, flighty or excessively talkative person.

It dates back to the 1400s so it’s up there as an old favorite, isn’t it? I like it. Say it three times fast and try not to giggle.

Word Wednesday


This word for today is something I put up with a lot as a kid when I shared a room with my sister because she had a horrific habit of this and still does. It’s called Bruxism.

Bruxism is the involuntary grinding of teeth, especially while asleep.

Believe me, this one can be super annoying when it’s done loudly each night. My sister now, as an adult, uses a mouthpiece but chews through one about every six months. Wow, that’s a lot of grinding.

The word itself comes from the Greek word brukhein meaning “gnashing of teeth.”

Agatha Christie Quote


I’m a huge fan of Dame Agatha Christie. I read all her books when I was a kid and I got so good at mystery solving, I could figure them out pretty early. I would write down who I thought did it and what page I was on when I figured it out. I then gave the note to my sister so she would see that I wasn’t cheating. One of the earliest professional plays I saw was The Mouse Trap in the West End of London and I’ve kept the vow all these years that I won’t tell whodunit. That’s the actual longest play running and they ask the audience at the end not to tell whodunit so that people new to the play won’t know.

Anyway, all this to lead up to a favorite quote of mine from Ms. Christie. She said, “The best time to plan a book is while you’re doing the dishes.”

I think she’s absolutely right. It’s when we’re doing mundane tasks that the best ideas come. I know it’s true for me.

Sale – Ebooks for Mom or Yourself


Sweet Cravings Publishing as well as their parent company Secret Cravings Publishing is having a 25% off sale this weekend that is site-wide. Pop over and grab some romance for mom or for yourself. Here’s the link.

Use the code Mothers25.

Here are some covers!

Word Wednesday


Today’s word is SYBARITE. It comes from the Greek which is a person from the ancient Greek colony of Sybaris and also comes from the Latin Sybanta which also means someone from that area.

A sybarite is someone devoted to luxuries and pleasures. It also, in our time, means someone who is sensual and loses themselves in sensuality.

Woke Up With This Song in My Head


I love this song- it’s so fun and reminds me of childhood and all the little stories I loved such as the Owl and the Pussycat, the one where the dish runs off with the spoon, the cute forest creatures of Beatrix Potter and of course, the Wind in the Willows. Enjoy a Song for the Children by Jimmy Buffett

Word Wednesday


One of my British friends used the word LURGEY the other day and it sounded like a cool word so I Googled it.

LURGEY is a fictitious, highly infectious disease akin to what we in America call cooties.

Here at World Wide Words is a cool history of the word. Check out Michael Quinion’s blog. He’s a fount of information.