Monthly Archives: July 2014

Cover Magic


I got to see what’s in store for the cover for SENIOR ASSASSIN last night. I’m pretty stoked about it. It’s got a very film noir/Art Deco feel to it and I’m super excited to see the final version and be able to share it. The cover artist did an amazing job in giving me two alternatives and also capturing the exact mood and feel of the book.

I’ll share it here as soon as I can. Mark your calendars for the release date for the novel itself- October 4, 2014.

Release Date for Senior Assassin


Sorry I’ve been MIA from this blog. I fell on June 16 and broke my right elbow and my left foot. I spent some time in a splint and sling for the  arm and still have a cast on the foot. It’s  been a rough month for sure. I am very lucky I didn’t do more damage and I will heal but I’m still a bit whiny in the midst of those blessings.

I did receive news today that Senior Assassin, my romantic mystery set on The Orient Express has been fully edited and will be released October 4, 2014.  I’m super excited for it to come out and as soon as I get the cover and the okay to share it, I will be posting it here. October is my favorite month of the year so I’m hyped to bring my book out to the world then.