Monthly Archives: February 2014



I’ve been in an annoyed state for a while about a person who seems intent on sending me into orbit at least two to three times a week. For a time, I tolerated this person but things started to get worse and now I actively dislike her. I’m not normally someone who dislikes people but this particular human has insulted me over and over and I can no longer overlook it.

This person says unkind things to me and when I react, I get this response: “Oh, sorry, I thought you had a sense of humor.” Well, I’m here to tell you, I do have a sense of humor. I laugh all the time and I don’t understand people who don’t find humor in life but I don’t like cruel or mean humor. It’s so not cool.

I made a decision not to engage with this person but the person will not back off and leave me alone. When I told my son how this person makes me feel, he said, “Ignore it.”

I told him I was trying but then the person would ask why I was ignoring them. I told my son that part too and he said, “Ignore that, too.” He’s only 19 but he’s wise.

I am doing my best to make sure I don’t interact with this person- I just wish they’d take the hint and disappear. Anyone out there had an experience like this? Any advice to offer?

Friday Fact- February 14, 2014- Shakespeare Sonnet and Jane Austen Hero

Friday Fact- February 14, 2014- Shakespeare Sonnet and Jane Austen Hero

reblogging from Jillian Chantal’s site. Happy Valentine’s Day

Jillian Chantal

I’ve debated the question of who was the better Jane Austen hero between Mr. Darcy in Pride andPrejudice and Colonel Brandon in Sense and Sensibility many times and a lot of people think I only side with the colonel because he was played by my darling Alan Rickman in the movie but that’s not it at all. Having read the books before seeing the movies, I can tell you that the colonel would hold first place in my heart no matter who played the role. Here’s why: He loved Marianne Dashwood in a sincere, true way. He was never cruel to her nor did he ever insult either her intelligence, her beauty or her family. Even when she was set on being with another man- a man he knew wasn’t good enough for her- the colonel’s devotion didn’t waver and he wished her well in her choice.

In the…

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Word Wednesday- February 12, 2014- MONDEGREEN


Today’s word is a fun one that I’m sure not many people have heard about. I know it was new for me. The word is MONDEGREEN. It’s a noun and means a misunderstood or misinterpreted word or phrase from mishearing lyrics of a song. Haven’t we all done this? My poor husband is notorious for it.

It comes from the 1950s from Lady Mondegreen, a misinterpretation of the phrase “laid him on the green” from a ballad called “The Bonny Earl of Murray.

Here’s a link to the lyrics.

What song do you mess up?

New Story Songlist


When I am working on a current story- which will already have its own playlist, I start amassing a new series of songs- just by what pops in my head or what appeals to me as I listen to Sirius Radio- as you can tell, I’m a fan of the 60s, 70s, and 80s.

Anyway as I collect songs, I jot them down and then when I finish my current WIP, I make a playlist for my next WIP on my iPad and immerse myself in the songs as I work my day job. I find that plot ideas come to me based on the songs my subconscious was attracted to as I worked on the prior story. It’s kind of like magic as I start with no clue how these songs will come together and blend in my head but I do know this: It’ll happen.

Here’s the newest list I made on Monday. I’m immersing now and when I get the new story done, I’ll do another post on how these songs gelled for me.

Love is like oxygen 1978 by Sweet
I want a love I can see. Temptations – this was their first recorded song, I believe.
Hey baby by Bruce Channel- 1962
Tighten up. Black keys
You never can tell. Chuck Berry 1964
Incense and peppermints by Strawberry alarm clock 1967
You got to me. Neil diamond 1967
I’m gonna make you mine. Lou Christie 1964?
Automatic by the Pointer Sisters 1984?
Power of Love. Huey Lewis
In my room. Beach boys. 1963-64
Have I the right. Honeycombs 1964
Only Women Bleed. Alice cooper
Don’t Tell Me Goodnight. Lobo
Living on a Prayer. Bon Jovi
Ain’t She Sweet. Beatles
Liar liar – The Castaways