Monthly Archives: November 2023

In a Holidaze by Christina Lauren, a Review


I have been working on my NaNoWriMo novel so have not been posting any reviews this month.

I was browsing at Sam’s Club on Black Friday when I was in the store to pick up a new television for my dad and made my way to the book section, because of course I did. 🙂 I saw this one and the cover appealed to me as well as the back blurb.

This was super fun and I gobbled it down. This was the first book I have read by this writing team but it is definitely not the last. I loved the way they made the characters so appealing. A large cast of characters, but so well done that there was no issue keeping them all straight. All the characters were supportive of each other no matter the circumstances and it was great to not have even one nasty character in the story. It shows that books can be entertaining and have conflict without meanness and, in our times, I love that so much.

The heroine was very witty and the interaction between her and the guy she had a crush on was super fun. They bantered with some of the best banter I’ve read in a book. So clever and never dull at all. Creativity abounded in this story.

This was a story with elements of the movie “Groundhog Day” as well as a great tale of family and lasting friendships. It was a great read and so appropriate for the time of year. I highly recommend it.