Tag Archives: friends

Gigi, Listening by Chantel Guertin


This was a fun book with a cool premise.

Gigi is the owner of a romance bookstore. She has a massive crush on the narrator of an audio book, Zane. His voice makes her swoon and the book he’s reading is one her parents fell in love reading, so the book has meaning to her in addition to her lust for the narrator. For her thirtieth birthday, her friends go in on a trip to England for her. (Wish I had friends like that!) A bus trip led by a tour company the narrator’s family owns and he happens to be the guide scheduled for that ten day excursion.

And the adventure begins. There’s a wonderful cast of characters who are on the bus tour as well as the bus driver and tour guide. Each character is fully fleshed out from the estranged couple, to the two women who fell in love later in life, to the widow, the older tour guide, a YouTuber, and the man who records everything and is a font of trivia knowledge.  

When Gigi arrives at the bus depot, the narrator guide, Zane, isn’t there as he’s had a family emergency. Disappointment washed over Gigi and she thought about not going on with the trip. But she stays and finds herself having fun despite no Zane. She lives in hope that he’ll turn up, but she also makes the most of the days he’s not there. It doesn’t hurt that the bus driver is witty and up for adventuring with her when she doesn’t want to follow the itinerary. She has an aversion to churches since the death of her parents and tries to avoid entering the sacred places which is difficult since the tour is called Spires, Shires, and Shores. The bus driver figures out her reluctance to be inside the churches quickly and distracts her with other activities.

When Zane, the tour guide, eventually shows up, things get more complicated for Gigi.

This was an entertaining read with lots of humor, but also some serious moments. The message in the story is about how to move on in life when you might be stagnating or not seeing opportunities in your path by being focused on the past or some dream that really won’t bring you the satisfaction you crave. Lessons are learned by Gigi as well as other characters. For example, the bus driver learns his true calling might be the very thing he avoided, the young YouTuber learns about forgiveness and moving into acceptance, and the widow learns about starting over.

The author used a lighthearted way to inject some serious life lessons into the story. I thoroughly enjoyed Gigi’s bus tour.

Forgotten Ghosts (Book Two of the Legacy Witch series) by Cass Kay


Having read the first book of this series and enjoyed it so well, I was excited to get the chance to read this second book. Our heroine, Vianna is just as interesting and compelling as she was in the first book. Her best friend, Sandeen—known as Dee—lives with her now and they are making a home together. Two outcasts as neither belong to a coven, they have bonded as friends and each has the other’s back. I really enjoy their dynamic and personalities.

Of course, being Vianna, troubles come to call from various sources. Even the creepy nephew of her old landlord in Boston shows up. He smells like canned bacon and that made me laugh every time she mentioned it as I have never heard of such a thing though I can imagine just how lovely that smell could be. LOL

The author is very good at descriptions. She has the characters attend a witches fair and I loved how she evoked the atmosphere of first, the booths of items for sale, then the bonfire and the magic that occurs around it at the end of the fair. The fall setting was particularly well done. It’s my favorite season and I could almost feel like I was there despite the 90 degree weather as I read this book.

Part of the story takes place in tunnels under the city of Salem. Ms. Cass did a great job in atmospheric writing there and in her descriptions of the inhabitants of the tunnels.

Lots of drama like in the first book, some surprises from characters we thought we knew, and an interesting battle all make for another intriguing book and I, for one, can’t wait for book three.

Outfoxed- by Melinda Metz- a review


I received this book from Kensington Books in exchange for an unbiased review.

This was a great story. I was pulled in immediately by the premise of the legend of the fox that brings good luck and love to the people who encounter it. The town of Fox Crossing is a pretty cool place to live. Even though this is part of a series, this book can be read as a stand- alone with no problem.

The protagonist of the story, Victoria Michaud, is the owner of a shop with an eclectic offering of used goods. She dresses with abandon and I loved that about her. That she chooses to be her quirky self and doesn’t set any store by anyone who might think she looks odd is refreshing and makes her a unique character. She’s also a giving soul who helps her community in many ways. The relationships she has with her brother, Henry, is great as well. He’s come back to town after moving away after high school. He spent his teen years being bullied by a number of young men of the town due to his weight.

The antagonist, Bowen Gower, is one of those bullies. He is also back in town after having moved away and making a successful career in the city. He’s back to settle his grandfather’s estate. His sister, Tegan, is also on the scene. She’s had a hard life moving from job to job. Her brother was the golden child and she was shunted to the side. Their relationship is fractious at best. The sister is also a unique character, artistic and caring.

The sister of the antagonist and the brother of the protagonist were best friends for a couple of years in high school, each relying on the other to get through some rough times.

The side characters in the book are delightful. The man who owns the bar (named Banana) where the antagonist’s sister works is a particular favorite. I loved his personality and warm, giving, nature.

When Victoria realizes the boy who was the baseball hero who made her brother miserable for years is back in town, she is determined not to engage with him. Except, they both saw the fabled fox at the same time.

Giving no credence to the superstition about the fox, she is doubly determined to ignore the man.

The story unfolds in an enjoyable way. The friendship between the two outcast friends from high school was actually my favorite part of the book. The scenes where they reconnect are particularly enjoyable. They still have great affection for each other and reading their scenes made me smile.

There’s a secondary story about bullying by one young girl to another in the book. In my opinion, the underlying theme of the book is really about bullying and its aftermath and ways to resolve those issues and move past them. The love stories are incidental to that theme and are so well told, it’s a delightful read. This book has something for everyone. Friendship, love and family.  I highly recommend it.

Word Wednesday


Today’s word is a fun one. Its meaning is comparing horoscopes between two (or more) people to determine if they are likely to be compatible or have a good relationship. The word is SYNASTRY.

Have you ever done that? I’ve done it in a few Chinese restaurants where they have the years on the paper placemat. We always check that out with the people we’re with to see if we’re supposed to even be at the same table. I’m a Rat. Next time you’re in the mood, research your animal and see if we’d be compatible. Check it out here– Seems like Rats make good lawyers. Who knew? LOL!

A Sad Week


In the last week, I’ve had a lot of sadness in my life. It’s weird how it comes in spurts like that. It started with the death of the man who rented office space from me. He’s been ill for a while so even though we all knew he was not doing well, it was a bit of a shock to hear that he passed away in his sleep during the day on last Friday. His family has decided to have his services in the town where he grew up instead of here where he lived for over thirty years. This saddens me as he was a big part of the community here and they are robbing us of the chance to say goodbye.

In the last day, I learned that a friend’s son was killed when a car backed over him. He was only seven. I’m utterly shattered for my friend and her family. I know how much they adored that little boy and I can’t wrap my head around such a devastating loss. I don’t know how they’re going to make it from day to day with this hole in their lives. There’s nothing I can say or do to make it better. I wish there was.

Death really puts things in perspective. I know I let things bother me and I get hurt easily but as I think about these people -both too young to go- being gone and no longer able to enjoy time with family and friends, I find myself hoping that the life I lead in the time I have left is one such that my family and friends will be as bereft as I am at the loss of these two. I endeavor to be as good a person as they both were.

Playing hooky


I had depositions this afternoon that canceled at the last minute and was able to join some friends for painting, wine and shop talk. I never do this. I stay at the office and plug away. I was encouraged by my staff to run away and play (think they were trying to get rid of me so they could party, too?)  Anyway, I had a ball and check out my painting:

Time with friends


Took the day off today and am hanging with my friends Maureen (Mo), Jennifer, and Victoria. We are having a blast. Had lunch at Fournaris Brothers, Greek restaurant.  They are making me laugh my head off.  I needed this time with them. They are the best and none of them suck the life out of me. They lift me up- those are the best types of friends to have- Sometimes it gets old being the one to always have to be the up-lifter. This is a nice change of pace! 

AND I have gotten a great idea as I’ve sat here and am excited to get started on a new project. Such fun.  The picture represents part of my idea.



Am visiting a friend in the Atlanta Metro area and have had a great time.  We have laughed and talked (shared a bit of Jack Daniels) and she had brought me out of the doldrums.  We scrapbooked today Archivers and had dinner from Atlanta Bread Co.  Good friends make for good times.