Monthly Archives: September 2019

New Release! Common Elements Romance Novel


Jillian Chantal

The paperback is out now and the e-book will release tomorrow.  Evil Wind Rising is a Common Elements Romance release- about 100 authors wrote works in various romance subgenres with the following five elements:  A character named Max; A thunderstorm; A stack of books; Lost keys; and a haunted (or reputed to be) house.

Mine is more of a thriller/horror than romance but I did toss in the romance, too.

Link for E-book  Link for paperback

Rumor has it the Rigby Mansion is haunted. The last owner was brutally murdered and now the house is on the market.Dr. Max Edison, a surgeon who has no time for such nonsense, wants to tour the manor as he wants a home outside the city. The firm listing the property sends him out with their newest employee, Stella McNamara, who is convinced the rumors are true. She has a sixth sense about…

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