Monthly Archives: February 2016

Cover Reveal- Kat’s Song


Here it is!! I saw the draft a few weeks ago and wanted to share but wasn’t allowed to until now. I love it and it’s very evocative of the story. Thanks to Gwen Phifer for being such a great cover artist to work with! She captured my vision in a marvelous way. The book comes out in April, 2016.

KatsSongCoverArt (2).jpg

Why oh Why Ruin the Character of a House?


I went to New Orleans last week and one of my friends who had read The Eisenger Element wanted to see the house I had previously taken a picture of as my inspiration for Linc’s house in the Garden District. This house is down the street from Anne Rice’s former home and I loved it the first time I saw it. We actually drove right past it this time as I didn’t recognize it.

We got out of the car when we saw Anne’s house and walked down the road. AND there was the house. Dull, drab and lifeless now. What were they thinking? It had so much character and now it’s awful. Yeah, maybe it’s more dignified but who wants to be vanilla pudding if you can be chocolate truffles with pecans??

What do you think? Improvement or disaster? Link to The Eisenger Element.