Monthly Archives: October 2014

Expecting New Contract


I got the news last night that I’ll be receiving a contract on my story set in my hometown of Pensacola, Florida. The title is Til Murder Do Us Part. Here is a short blurb:

Margot Jenkins is a one-time coroner on a mission to bring her former brother-in-law to justice for killing her sister. Richard Higgins is the hot-shot detective assigned to assist her. Margot tends to lead with her heart and gets into numerous dangerous situations that imperil not only her investigation but her very life.

I’m excited to bring this tale to the world and share some of my favorite places to eat in Pensacola- my characters eat at a number of locally-owned restaurants that serve awesome food! I’ll be posting some pictures of the places soon.

Happy Anniversary to Me


30 years is a LONG time to love one job!

Over The Backyard Fence

Yesterday, the 19th of October was thirty years since I took the oath of admission to the Florida Bar. I was twenty-three on that long-ago day and so excited to start on my journey to “Save the World” one client at a time. When I look back at the girl I was back then, I see someone who thought she was smart and savvy until the day she walked into a real courtroom for the first time to try a case and learned that people lie on the witness stand. They actually lie- actively and purposefully. I can remember how stunned I was at that revelation. It was a total blow to the solar-plexus. I quickly figured out I needed to factor that into my arsenal of skills and learn to cross-examine more aggressively and effectively.

I have been privileged to represent people from all over the spectrum of wealth…

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Happy October- A Favorite Song From the Past.- Haunted House


I remember my mamma singing this when I was a kid. It’s called Haunted House and is the story of a man who moves in and finds his house has some other residents. I love the story in this song. Check it out on Youtube. AND watch out for haints!

This guy was a one hit wonder – I sure wish he’d done some more songs. He was buds with Elvis and Johnny Cash but never hit it big like they did. HIs name is Gene Simmons but he’s not the one from KISS.

Happy October!